Special Devices, INC.
  We'll work with your test team to design a scalable test solution that will meet all of your medical device testing needs.
Three reasons why Special Devices's Medical Device Testing Solutions may be right for your business:
1. Unparalleled Track Record of Success in Functional Test for Medical Devices. Special Devices has worked with 100% of the Fortune 100 Electronic Medical Device companies and can give you scalable enterprise Test solutions, including IntraStage and FlexATE.
2. The Flex Framework Platform covers 50% of the Software Solution.  Leveraging off-the-shelf tools like IntraStage, LabVIEW, and TestStand, and combining them with Special Devices’s Plug-in Flex Framework, we can dramatically lower your risk and accelerate your schedule.  More than 50% of the software needed for a typical test system is ready-to-go with the Flex Framework, allowing us to focus our software design on just those tasks specific to your UUT (Unit Under Test).
3. Simplicity of Project Management and Procurement: We’ve completely streamlined the project management process so that you can get the best quality systems (software and hardware) on budget and on schedule.  Your personalized ATE test systems will each have a single part number for simplified procurement. We build them, wire together all the connections, validate and ship each ready-to-go ATE system to your facility.
To learn more about our Solutions for Medical Device Test, simply fill out the form below and one of our technical experts will contact you shortly. We look forward to helping you meet all of your medical device testing needs!
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